Pocket Chart Problems (and Solutions)

I have always stored my puppets in a green pocket chart and covered them with alphabet flashcards until introducing the creatures one by one to my students. Each time a puppet is revealed, I remove the flashcard that covers it so only the puppet is visible in the pocket. Two problems: one is that my puppets are not labeled with the letter they teach, and two is that the puppets don’t stand out very well on a green background (especially my green friends, Sydney the Snake, Frazer the Frog, and Iggy the Iguana). This year I solved both problems with one set of custom flashcards. I designed the flashcards to be the width of the pockets on my chart but to extend above the top of the pocket. Then I sweet talked my talented husband into illustrating one picture for each letter of the alphabet. Above the picture, on the front of each card, I added an uppercase and lowercase letter in my original handwritten font “Get Real”. On the back of the card I added the letters, but not the picture. Now, after I introduce a puppet, I flip the flashcard over and display the puppet in front of the card inside the pocket. This way, each puppet sits below its corresponding letter and shows up nicely on a white background. It was one of those “why didn’t I think of this eight years ago?” moments. Better late than never.

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